About Me

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Welcome to my world. I'm Tricia Gloria Nabaye, on a mission to advocate for gender equality, human rights, and democratic governance through the lens of feminist intersectional practices. With nine years of experience, I've honed my skills to be a force for positive change. My strengths lie in problem-solving and effective cross-cultural collaboration, and I thrive in leadership roles. My analytical perspective ensures that my advocacy is data-driven and impactful. My primary focus is on feminist leadership consulting, where I provide valuable insight and guidance. I also offer rapporteur services, ensuring that essential discussions are documented and shared. As a feminist researcher, my deep commitment lies in addressing gender issues, empowering women and girls, and advancing public policy advocacy. I'm a visionary dedicated to shaping the future of advocacy with a strong focus on human rights. Join me in our journey to drive positive change. Together, we can build a world where gender equality and human rights are at the forefront, ensuring a more inclusive and just society for all.

Monday, February 12, 2018


When a friend dies, it hits you hard!
It hits you so bad because then you start to wonder, "Did I love them enough, “was I there to support them and give them all my best?" You start to re-evaluate what would have been, what you should have been. And then you sit cold and frozen that they really are gone.

The night comes and as the night goes on, you pick yourself up between the spasms of fear, and you ask silently, "Are they really gone?"  But you know the answer to that question. So you cry bitterly to the power that death displays every time it takes a loved one.

When a loved one dies,
It stings, it re-awakens every dead sense in you, you desire to hate less and love more. To spread more hope and peace than you would otherwise. It calls you out on your trivial indulgences in bickering and endless fight among each other and within yourself.

Death makes you grow before your time but grow you do. Death steals from all of us; from our every core she dances with us all day long only to snatch the best dancer at the peak of their dance. And she drains what is left of the being. I wonder not where her sting is, for I have felt it and lived with it.

This somber state too will pass but the real fight is in keeping these people alive in our memories, the guilt in forgetting how they really looked, the search for old photos, the search through what you used to say, the need to keep you alive. I know I do see each of you in still photos where time held you static and kept you forever, yet I wish the memories to come would bring you along...

It never gets easy to keep saying goodbye; there was never an easy goodbye... Maybe beautiful beginnings and amazing in betweens but never one easy goodbye. So we dare to move on, we dare to leave the place where your candles burnt out. We dare to go on without you, we risk losing you in the busy of life but each step we take, and we carry the burden of yet another heart break.

We long to know what the other side is, we long to believe that the ever after really holds you waiting. We long to trust that you are okay now but we know not of what is on the other side of the grave. So we cry bitterly at the realization that you are gone and only what you did in the dash (-) is what we are left with.

Rest dear ones, for in due time death will silence us too...Until then. We bitterly miss you

P.S: In memory of my departed loved ones:
My mother; Vidah Namuddu Zirimenya
15 years and it feels like yesterday

Danielson Barbara (Babzee)

Joel. B. Ntwatwa (Nevender)

The grave robbed me when your candles where brightest

We carry on, but we dare say that, anything can happen even to us here...It is never a win-win with death.

Monday, July 24, 2017


"Feral pigeon nuisance is a common problem in many cities around the world. Feral pigeons are not afraid of people. They roost and nest readily in man- made structures and have a diverse diet. The droppings of feral pigeons may help spreading harmful germs"

In Hong Kong, one can get a penalty for feeding the pigeons roughly $1500. 
That is the case for pigeons but translate it into the streets of Kampala and it is the street children. Today, I boiled two eggs and gave them to a hunger stricken little guy on one of the hills of Kampala. I just had to give him those eggs but he didn't eat!!! I knew he wanted money so he was in for a long wait before he could finally eat his eggs. 

Every time, I want to pick money out of my pocket, I remember my friend who always tells me,''stop feeding the pigeons if you want a clean city" turns out the analogy of pigeons is what is suffering the city of Kampala.  
Let me first put out a disclaimer: I am a very compassionate person, I love people and I do charity.

But let us see our reality for a few minutes, the little children that beg on our streets suffer our hearts and our compassion but also are the true definition of what is wrong with Uganda.
If you are going to help a person, do more than give them a coin a day. In our need for validation and a check on our christian or Muslim  values, we give money to the poor and pay zakat respectively. But what if in what we are doing we have nursed out a begging syndrome? We keep on giving the street children money and have created for them a living in that way, they will keep festering our streets and soon enough they will grow old enough to sniff fuel and collect plastic bottles and when the lucrative part of that job is worn out, they will go into organized crime. And lo and behold! we would have been part of the making of the feared Kifeesi and other crime gangs in Uganda.

So don't feed the pigeons if you don't want your city to be dirty, The other day, I saw a mother let her baby do number two by the road side and after she got some papers, pick it up and threw on a growing dump of waste that was made by them. I thought of how dry it would be soon and how the wind will blow the seemingly cleared feaces into the air, then when the wind comes I will come and breath that air or even have the dust on my face. Ewww. 

The downside of  this development is that while we have street children,we do not have the mechanisms and the safe nets to take care of them. And as we all know, "some lady ate their money." We all know that the street children are of karimajong descent.
That aside, while these children go through traumatized childhoods, rape and pregnancies of men that are questionable in character, we continue to keep them on the roads by giving them miniature bites of silver and gold coins just to keep them going on. We have not equipped them with systems to rehabilitate them, empower them and take them off the streets.

What we could do as a society, is build shelters and rehabilitation centers separate from drugs abuser homes. Homes to rehabilitate street children. Most of these children, their greatest problem is a run away syndrome and hunger. They need to be taken off the streets! I dream of a day when I take a taxi, or uber I don't want someone wiping the windows with a dirty rag just for a coin. 

I guess we all need to stop giving the street children money then they will be gone off the streets.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Image may contain: text and outdoor
If you ever feel cornered to compromise, remember YOU.

The world has taught us, that people matter, relationships matter, their opinion as well as their silence. We have been taught to live selflessly and to love others, to take compliments and in the world of social media to love the likes and the comments. God how we hate it when they don't like us or even when we don't fit in with the group.

But that suffocates the "You" that you are. It creates mini versions of society's kind of people. It creates undertones and soft treading. Eventually we are afraid to step on each others toes and we can't dish out good criticism and we as well can't help but stay on the offensive. We become judges of this world and we second guess everyone's actions towards us. And then we wonder why we have a generation of depressed, anxiety filled and panic stricken beings.

We are worked up by how people act or how they respond to us. But they are just being themselves, I am an advocate for real. Be you, be the jerk that you are or the princess that you are, be outspoken or gentle in speech, be all that you are maybe you will in the end attract your own tribe. The universe has a way of bringing us to what it is that we are looking for. And in those moments you will find liberty in owning you and in living without pretense.

The problem with neglecting who you really are is in the fact that no one really cares. No one cares that at the end of you being nice and stepped on and abused and being nice and holding back, you actually are miserable. You are dying and no one really cares that you are.
So stay miserable on the account of others. No way.

They will tell you, be selfless and think about others. The truth is no one is thinking about others in the long run, they are thinking about themselves. That is the irony of life and that by far makes living worthwhile if we can do it for ourselves. Until you meet someone, willing to really live for  you.
When that time comes, you will not second guess the need to be selfless, kind and all in. You will see it in their lives, in their continuous struggle to stand with you. And you will try and you will reciprocate their concern for you.

In the mean while, Do you. Be you. Embrace the opportunity to flourish and to laugh, laugh hard(they will stare and judge) laugh anyway. Love hard( they will underscore your care) love anyway. Go to bed happy, you deserve a dry pillow. Call who you want to call, they will get used to hearing your voice in  the end. Go where you want to go, try to challenge your status quo. Do you girl, do you big guy. Eat what you want to. We already have enough judges for the world, don't be one of them. Don't be grumpy, be comfortable in finding  peace in the You that you are.
So I am here, typing and someone will read this and roll their eyes. Roll them if you want to. I am good. Some one once said, "I is a very selfish letter"


Tuesday, May 09, 2017


It is of great joy when we learn to live in calm, in hope and in expectation of what this life has to offer us in due time.
Between the chaos of life and the peace our hearts desire, we find oursleves in the onset of strife and we try so hard to make this life work.

We look around and it seems like we are stuck in moments, sometimes we have no hope of getting beyond where we are.
Do you ever sit and feel like everyone has managed to make it across life apart from you? Ever wonder where your dreams went or why they look to be on hold?
Between such moments we forget to see the hope in front of us.We miss the love, the joy set in our bosoms, the laughter that eases the ache and the people set on our journey to make it lighter and easier. It is in those many moments that I want to stand with you and tell you that life should not get in the way of you living.

Live and enjoy the moments, laugh, cry and then pick yourself up and live. Life is many things, yes the storms come and for that they will be many of them but so does the sunshine, so does the rainbow. Give yourself permission to be happy and to take the joy set before you in this life. You have that choice, I pray you choose that.

Many times, we are so busy comparing our journey with others that we fail to enjoy our own.We look into the things happening for others that are not happening for us and we miss the details of events that would have changed our lives.
It is your journey  and it is to your benefit that you live a life that you would be happy to remember. Live large and live fully. You don't have to have it all figured out, you just have to know where the road leads, and where the joy comes from.

Remember this life is all you've got and it is much better to walk through it with your head held up than with your head down,missing the beauty that life  often is. It is beautiful when you start to live, to laugh, to dance, to love and to be alive in the moments of life.

See the beauty that life is, and in the end the load will be lighter and much more bearable. It will ease the ache in the heart and the churn in the stomach.It will make life a better place.
So don't stop fighting for joy, don't stop finding peace in the storm.

Find a way of living and letting life go on.

Thursday, May 04, 2017

Of poems that make me calm: Lemn Sissay

written by Lemn Sissay
If there was ever one
Whom when you were sleeping
Would wipe your tears
When in dreams you were weeping;
Who would offer you time
When others demand;
Whose love lay more infinite
Than grains of sand.

If there was ever one
To whom you could cry;
Who would gather each tear
And blow it dry;
Who would offer help
On the mountains of time;
Who would stop to let each sunset
Soothe the jaded mind.

If there was ever one
To whom when you run
Will push back the clouds
So you are bathed in sun;
Who would open arms
If you would fall;
Who would show you everything
If you lost it all.

If there was ever one
Who when you achieve
Was there before the dream
And even then believed;
Who would clear the air
When it’s full of loss;
Who would count love
Before the cost.

If there was ever one
Who when you are cold
Will summon warm air
For your hands to hold;
Who would make peace
In pouring pain,
Make laughter fall
In falling rain.

If there was ever one
Who can offer you this and more;
Who in key less rooms
Can open doors;
Who in open doors
Can see open fields
And in open fields
See harvests yield.

Then see only my face
In the reflection of these tides
Trough the clear water
Beyond the river side.
All I can send is love
In all that this is
A poem and a necklace
Of invisible kisses.

Friday, February 17, 2017



You have been gone for so long;
I can't fathom how long;
Now I seek you yet I find you not;

They don't teach a mother's love down here
And even if they did, they would not teach your love:
I miss you in oceans...
And then I drown in them.

You have been a piece of me that I have held on to for meaning.
So maybe someday it is going to make sense
Perhaps the pain will fade
Perhaps the heart will stop aching,
But in bouts of pain, I think about you.

I may not be sure of a lot of things;
But I am sure that you are forever my love
My reason for going on;
the reason I keep trying;
So for every moment, I can say;
"Mama would be proud"

I miss you today and even tomorrow I will;
But I pray that the heavens help me live one more day
In the hope that you might not be here
But everything is going to be alright.

I miss you mama; I really miss you Vidah!!!

Friday, January 27, 2017


I have had my share of almost!!! Almost fell in love, Almost got the scholarship, Almost got the job....I have many almosts, eventually I started to think I was jinxed but I washed the idea away and then I thought maybe I was doing the wrong thing expecting the different results but that was not it ether, so I just sat and enjoyed the almosts. As they came, I must have resigned to the pattern life had set. Until,I saw the beauty in my almost. At the end of the teary days, there was a glimpse of new hope that I found in my almosts.

When you are 23 and have almost got it right on a lot the things that life has to offer, to get it wrong on some, is heart breaking. I have lived it, I have cried through it but most of all I have grown. I really have grown!

So I am here to say, almost counts... it does a lot! Almost teaches you that dreams can be put on hold. Almost teaches you to keep hoping, it could be the next stop. Almost is powerful in creating hopefuls. I am a hopeful, there is a raw deal in knowing you are about to get there. Almost is a check on your patience, don't give up just yet, maybe it didn't open up this time but there is always a next time...there are always many next times. Eventually, you get it and you serve it up. You get your next in line moment. You fall in love, You get a better paying job, you study above and beyond. Eventually the odds line up in your favor. But the "Almost" created a bridge to keep going on.

And in the end, if you never get there, you tried  and you almost got it right. Almost counts.

Friday, January 06, 2017


"Teach my song to rise to You
When temptation comes my way
And when I cannot stand I'll fall on You
Jesus, You're my hope and stay"

 Through the day I have been meditating on these lines from Matt Maher's "Lord I need You".
I have come to trust the convictions that come from meditating on the same thing. So I sat and thought through why I was stuck at this point in the song. I just could not stop thinking about what it brought to my heart.

I want to always  to be able to say to God; " Teach My Song to rise to You When temptation comes my way." so my song could always rise up to the Lord in times when sin wages war. I know many a times, when I find myself at the place of vulnerable indulgence  there is usually no praise on my lips for the Lord.

 I want to always have my praise up for the Lord, in my song I can always have my eyes fixed on the Lord. My song has to rise so that the path of temptation is ever brought a close or even a dead end. That way, the path to sin is ever narrowed in my life. 

David said of himself, " Your praise is always on my lips."

I definitely want to be able to let my guard down in beautiful surrender to God and be able to say, " When I cannot stand I'll fall on you. Jesus, you're my hope and stay"
 He should be the only anchor for my soul. I need to learn everyday to let God be Lord over it all. I battle with surrender, to know that I have no control over the outcome of my life is threatening in itself, to know that the ship has it's own master other than me is scary but I want to be able to tell God, I cannot stand on my own...help me. Stay with me and help me see tomorrow.

I am banking on the fact that God knows it all, and that he wants me to let him have control over the situations of my life.

One man sang, " I love the way you handle my situations"

I want to be able to say that to God, that he has handled my situations through and through, that he has opened a way for life to be all about his cares on me and his protective arm all around. I want to fall always in the arms of God. To find strength for my feeble knees not in any place but in God. In reckless abandonment to what he can do for my heart's situations and circumstances.

In all of it, I hope I never reach a place where I stop needing God, Not in this lifetime. Never. May my earnest plea for life always be, "Lord, I need you."

Thursday, January 05, 2017


Image result for war room prayer raise them up

We probably all watched the movie, "WAR ROOM". If you haven't, go check it out. My favorite part in the whole movie is the scene where the old lady prays for all of God's people all over the world. I love how she calls for an awakening, to raise them up. Boy, does she pray like heaven beckons every time. Let me not talk all day, I just wanted to share the prayer here for anyone who wants to read and go do closet wars.

Image result for war room prayer raise them up

You’ve done it again, Lord. You’ve done it again.
You are good, and You are mighty, and You are merciful! And You keep taking care of me when I don’t deserve it.
Praise You, Jesus! You are Lord….
Raise up more that will call upon Your name.
Raise up those that love You, and seek You, and trust You.
Raise ‘em up, Lord!
Raise 'em up!
Lord, we need a generation of believers who are not ashamed of the gospel!
We need an army of believers, Lord, that hate to be lukewarm, and will stand on Your Word above all else!
Raise 'em up, Lord!
Raise 'em up!
I pray for unity among those that love You.
I pray that You open their eyes so that they can see Your truth, Lord.
I pray for Your hand of protection and guidance.
Raise up a generation, Lord, that will take light into this world; that will not compromise when under pressure; that will not cower, Lord, when others fall away!
Raise 'em up, Lord, that they will proclaim that there is salvation in the name of Jesus Christ!
Raise up warriors, Lord, who will fight on their knees, who will worship you with their whole hearts, Lord!
Lord, call us to battle, that we may proclaim King of Kings, and Lord of Lords!
I pray these things with all my heart.
Raise 'em up, Lord!
Raise 'em up!

“Raise ‘Em Up”, from the movie “The War Room”

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
-John 10:10 KJV

But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil.
-2 Thessalonians 3:3 KJV

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