About Me

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Welcome to my world. I'm Tricia Gloria Nabaye, on a mission to advocate for gender equality, human rights, and democratic governance through the lens of feminist intersectional practices. With nine years of experience, I've honed my skills to be a force for positive change. My strengths lie in problem-solving and effective cross-cultural collaboration, and I thrive in leadership roles. My analytical perspective ensures that my advocacy is data-driven and impactful. My primary focus is on feminist leadership consulting, where I provide valuable insight and guidance. I also offer rapporteur services, ensuring that essential discussions are documented and shared. As a feminist researcher, my deep commitment lies in addressing gender issues, empowering women and girls, and advancing public policy advocacy. I'm a visionary dedicated to shaping the future of advocacy with a strong focus on human rights. Join me in our journey to drive positive change. Together, we can build a world where gender equality and human rights are at the forefront, ensuring a more inclusive and just society for all.

Saturday, April 16, 2022


Today I danced with the thought of suicide [Selah]
I am not brave enough to do it but the thought crossed my mind;
I am happy with my life… it just has been hard holding things together for a while now…
And the fear to ask for help…
People say call me when you need me but I have called sometimes and I could tell the disdain on the other end…
Also, my pride started to shy away from just asking.
But today I danced with the idea of suicide. 
For the first time…it felt like a simple solution to my problems;
I know I am not brave enough to do it…but the thought of it scared me a little bit.
Thoughts become actions…
Today I danced with the solution to living; 
Today I danced with the thought of suicide...

PS: If you ever get to the deep end call 
TOLL-FREE: 0800-21-21-21

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